
Dear SWS Community,

As I look out my office window on a daily feast of color, hearing giggles from bundled up children jumping puddles and chattering as they go from class to class, Thanksgiving, with its messages of gratitude, friends, and family makes its presence felt. This is a particularly enjoyable holiday for me. Marked by simplicity, Thanksgiving requires little more than our presence, a grateful heart, and perhaps the company of family and friends. It offers an opportunity to relax, slow down, and reflect on our blessings.We have been surrounded by signs of abundance during the past couple of months –  a sterling Fall sport season, the wonderful Michaelmas festival, a vibrant Harvest Faire, a fall play directed by talented seniors, a delightful Middle School and High School Instrumental Concert -- all over campus, signs of our good fortune abound. Even here in the administrative building, I feel gratitude daily for the talented and committed people I work with – staff, faculty, and board, as well as the many parents who willingly jump in and help.Please accept my best wishes for a warm and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday and my gratitude to you for your support of Sacramento Waldorf School.

Marcela Iglesias



The Inkwell


Annual Giving is Here!