Tuition Assistance & Affording SWS

How do I apply for Tuition Assistance?

For the 2024-25 and the 2025-26 school year, apply online at FACTS.

Does it cost money to apply?

Yes, the fee for the FACTS application process is $45 per family.

What information will I need to supply?

The application will ask for details about income, savings, assets, home mortgage or rent, and other factors relevant to a family’s ability to afford tuition, including details from the previous tax year.

What happens after I apply?

You will receive a tuition assistance decision letter from FACTS via email. To make our decision, we use the information from the Parents' Financial Statement as a starting point and take into account our available Tuition Assistance budget.

Can I provide more information than FACTS requests?

Families may also submit a letter detailing additional information about their financial status or circumstances that may impact their ability to pay the full tuition. Send the letter to the Business Office. (

What if I haven’t done my 2024 tax return yet?

If you do not have your 2024 tax return, complete the application using your most recent tax return. When the requested tax forms arrive, such as W2s or 1040s, log back in and upload them.

Who looks at my application?

Application data is reviewed by a small committee within the school, including the Controller. All Tuition Assistance information is treated with complete confidentiality.

Will I talk to anyone about my application?

On occasion, a follow-up interview may be required by the school before determining the final award. If you would like to discuss your application, please contact the Business Office.

What are my responsibilities as a recipient of Tuition Assistance?

Please know that we want your child and your family to be here and we hope that your award will support you in being here. Please inform the school in writing ( of any changes in your circumstances that could impact the level of your award. We ask that you make timely payment of tuition a priority. In fairness to all parents, any offer of an award is contingent on your tuition account from the current year being in good standing. We will not carry an unpaid, unresolved balance forward. We may offer an award if there is an approved payment plan in place for an unpaid balance and a demonstrated ability and intention to honor the plan’s terms.

We are a continuing SWS family, does this affect our application?

Priority is given to families who complete all documentation by the Tuition Assistance application deadline, whether they are new or continuing families.

What is the Sibling Discount?

• Full tuition is charged for the oldest child

• 15% discount for the second

• 25% for the third and subsequent children

How much Tuition Assistance can we be awarded?

Awards typically range from 10% to a maximum of 50% of tuition.

Is the Sibling Discount calculated on full tuition?

Yes. Tuition Assistance awards are then made on net tuition, after the application of sibling discount or any other adjustments.

How do you make Tuition Assistance decisions?

We are committed to socioeconomic diversity and make awards that assist access to a wider range of income levels. Priority is given to families who complete all documentation by the Tuition Assistance application deadline, whether they are new or continuing families. Our guidelines take into account every family's unique situation and reflect our commitment to making sure that continuing students graduate from our school.

If I get Tuition Assistance, will I still get a sibling discount?

Yes. Tuition Assistance awards are calculated after deducting any relevant sibling discounts.

My circumstances are exceptional. What should I do?

If there are special circumstances (for example, a serious medical condition), we request that applicants add a letter to their application clearly describing the circumstance, its impact, and likely duration. Exceptional awards (those outside of grade guidelines or usual maximum award amounts) will be offered only after a candid interview with members of the Tuition Assistance Committee.

Who can I talk to about Tuition Assistance?

Please email our Business Office with questions.

What if we need Tuition Assistance every year?

Every family is required to re-apply each year for Tuition Assistance.

I have other children attending a school that also uses this Tuition Assistance company. Do I need to go through the process twice?

No, applications through FACTS allow you to choose all of the schools your children attend or are applying to.

What is your non-discrimination policy?

Tuition Assistance is based solely on a family’s ability to contribute toward educational expenses. Tuition Assistance is offered without regard to race, gender, religion, national origin, or other non-financial circumstance. Our policy is as follows: Sacramento Waldorf School prohibits unlawful discrimination against any protected group as identified under Education Code 200 and 220 and Government Code 11135, and Title IX, including actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, age, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in any SWS program or activity that received or benefits from state financial assistance, including athletic programs. For further information, find our policies and how to contact our Title IX Coordinator on the Title IX webpage.

Can you explain more about the whole process?

FACTS runs an analysis based on the financial data you submit. This analysis considers your income, investments, debt, and reasonable cost of living expenses for your family. FACTS gives the school a summary report based on this analysis. A confidential Tuition Assistance Committee at SWS determines the award offer based on the FACTS analysis and several additional factors.

What “additional factors” are considered? Can you describe what my award is based on?

Your award is based on these factors:

• Demonstrated need (your income, debts, and reasonable expenses)

• Your child’s grade level (we generally offer the lowest awards in the Preschool and the highest awards in the high school, based on tuition levels)

• Exceptional circumstances (for instance, unusual medical expenses)

I had hoped for a larger award. Are there any other steps I can take?

If you believe there are circumstances that may have been overlooked or your child will be unable to attend the School with the award that has been offered, we encourage you to submit a written appeal within 7 days of receipt of your tuition assistance decision letter. We regret that our resources are limited and we are unable to provide scholarships to cover the full costs of attending Sacramento Waldorf School. We strive to provide some level of assistance for all qualified applicants.

How is Tuition Assistance funded?

Awards are financed from our operating budget through revenue from our Annual Giving campaign.

The Tuition Assistance deadline has passed. Can I still apply?

Yes; however, Tuition Assistance is available on a limited basis once the deadline has passed.