Tales of Garden Waves by Farmer Steve
Sometimes I wonder if we live in a land of extremes.How quickly we adjust from a fire season to a rain season. Our problem solving process goes from defining defensible spaces for wildfire control to digging ditches during days of rain. Our ability to adapt and react and lend a helping hand is truly a testament to the human condition. It is through a multi-faceted diverse curriculum we help our students be prepared to take on tomorrow. Through the varied experiences of reading, listening, observing, analyzing, recording, music, movement, languages, art, conversation, and practical work do our students develop and hone their own problem solving skills.Thank you for sending your children with the appropriate clothing to take on the extra wet winter months! It is a treat to be ready and prepared to be on the farm, soaking in nature's treasures, in our ever-changing seasonal conditions.Being prepared helps us overcome obstacles, build confidence, and develop grit by not running indoors upon every chance of rain.We have harvested, built and spread compost, ripped out winter crops, gone on long walks, and carried on with our animal chores under light rain. We are thankful for our indoor spaces too when the rain is just too heavy to work in. With the help of 5th grade we have an extra abundance of herbs bagged and ready for sale at the farm stand. Flower seed packets has been made available by 2nd and 5th grades while white sage smudge sticks have been harvested wrapped and tied by 5th, 8th, and 10th grade students. Sixth and Seventh grade students have had turns washing endless amounts of eggs and potting up many tomato plants under cover on rainy days.This year we are growing multiple tomato colors with 4 early varieties, 7 different cherries, our standard 8 large slicers, and 3 late varieties. In all we are growing 13 different heirloom varieties.As soon as we are back from Spring Break you can find our extra tomato plants for your gardens available for just a dollar on Thursdays at pick up time. We will have lots of eggs and multiple dozens available as well.
The work that has been most impacted from our extra wet weather has been carried by the fourth grade class. Rain or shine our animals still need our attention. But with this much extra rain we have been working under some very sloppy conditions. That is why you may see purposely dug puddles and ditches to divert water away from the housing spaces of our chickens and ducks and temporary tarps used to help shelter our new born baby lambs.Fourth grade has kept sincere dedication even on some of our muddier days. I thank them all very much for their positive attitudes caring for those who aren't able to snuggle up in a heated house.As we break up into groups and perform these chores each Friday, one group cares for our wild birds. Filling their feeders and replenishing their bird bath, they then bless us with a poem at the end of class.Here is a sample submitted by the Pink Dolphins.
California Land
On California LandWe lend our handTo work togetherTo help each other.On a day of cloudThe birds are outThe rivers are running swift out loud. Row by rowThe plants do growThe roots go down, down below.The flowers are growing without a soundthe leaves are falling to the ground.