Tabor Martinsen, Alum '11
Tabor Martinsen, SWS Class of 2011, has discovered an outlet for his exceptional artwork – fundraising. While a senior at Whitman College in Washington, Tabor was nominated and selected to partake in the school’s annual fundraising contest.
As one of eight leading seniors chosen to compete for the title of Mr. Whitman, Tabor was attempting to raise the most money individually for a non-profit organization located near Whitman College. Tabor’s approach to the fundraiser is to offer his talent in the creation of a commissioned art piece. All proceeds raised by the art sales went to the Children’s Home Society, an NGO providing low-income students with basic educational support such as books, pencils, and afterschool homework programs. To view more paintings by Tabor, visit his web gallery here.
Editor's Note, December 6, 2019: See an update about Tabor's life journey in his Alumni Profile.