High School Fine and Practical Arts
The Arts are an essential element of the Waldorf curriculum. The experience of creating through painting, sculpture, acting, weaving, and other media forges a deep impression that facilitates self-expression and self-exploration.
Typical offerings include blacksmithing, metalwork, leatherwork, woodwork, advanced pastels, advanced pottery, sculpture, and yearbook. Other arts electives, such as photography or advanced poetry, are offered to Juniors and Seniors during weekly elective periods in addition to their Art classes.
Over four years of high school, our students experience traditional fine arts, practical craft work, and performing arts.
Ninth Grade fine and practical arts courses include light and dark drawing, block printing, bone carving, and basketry.
Tenth Grade continues with a color pastel course, three dimensional sculpture in clay, and throwing pottery on the wheel. Practical arts continue in Tenth Grade with weaving on looms.
Eleventh Grade visual arts include life drawing, veil painting, and bookbinding.
Twelfth Grade is offered three electives each quarter from which to choose.